
October 3, 2024

We Found One Another

Photo By: Karen Mauro

“This is the place that you all made together, so you could find one another.”

That line of dialogue couldn’t have been more fitting than on September 22, 2024, at the Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills, California. Surrounded by fellow LOST fans from around the globe, we watched the world premiere of Getting Lost, a documentary celebrating the beloved series. Seeing myself on the big screen, alongside other LOST fans and members of the show's cast, was a surreal and moving experience, like the culmination of a journey that has been both deeply personal and universal. We all cannot wait for the rest of the world to see it.

Let’s flashback to January 9th, 2023, when I received an email from Taylor Morden, the director of The Last Blockbuster. Taylor informed me that he was developing Getting Lost, a documentary celebrating the global phenomenon that is LOST. I was floored when he shared that he had been urged to reach out to me by Ralph Apel, the producer of Getting Lost, and Alex Castex Porter, who supplied additional footage for the movie. Alex had interviewed me years ago for another project, Audibly Lost, a documentary about the original LOST podcasters. Their recommendation was based not just on my ongoing involvement in the LOST community but because they knew how much the show meant to me personally—how LOST had helped me through one of the darkest times in my life. LOST saved and changed my life, and I don’t say that lightly.

I won’t spoil Getting Lost by sharing the details of my story, but I will say that Ralph and Taylor gave me, along with a few other LOST fans, a platform to express just how much the show means to us. More than just a television series, LOST is an experience. It became a source of inspiration and a community that has profoundly shaped our lives. For me, LOST isn’t just about mystery and adventure; it’s about survival, connection, and hope. It’s about finding something—or someone—when you need it most.

I feel an immense sense of pride and gratitude to be part of this project. It’s an honor to stand alongside other passionate fans and to have my story included in such a meaningful celebration of the show’s legacy. I’m proud to be part of this movie, to have my voice heard in a way I never thought possible. And I’m even prouder to be part of a global community that shares a unique bond, forged through a common love of LOST.

I am grateful to Taylor, Ralph, and everyone involved in bringing this documentary to life. Most of all, I am grateful to LOST itself. This show has given me so much more than entertainment—it has given me a place to belong, a purpose, and a connection to people who understand the depth of this experience.

It’s been a surreal journey, and I’m thankful for every moment of it.

Official Red Carpet Photo By: Just Off The Six

                                      Photo By: Karen Mauro