
September 8, 2009

One of Them.

Let's talk about LOST!  One of Them.

"They're getting closer! Move it!" 

The Iraqi soldiers including Sayid are hurrying to burn and shred files and papers while there is bombing going on all around them.

Tariq is yelling "Keep shredding you cowards! We leave when I say! {hits a soldier.} Stop again, and I'll kill you myself! I'm your commanding officer and you will do..."   
The American soldiers barge in demanding to know who's in charge.   The Sergeant wants the Iraqi soldier, who is not distracted by his task of destroying the files, to stop what he's doing.   Another American soldier says "They don't understand" but the Sergeant knows they do understand. {Of course they understand, in our story there are no language barriers-really}   
The Sergeant threatens to fire on 3 if he doesn't stop shredding, "One...Two..."    Sayid bolts up and tells the shredding dude to stop or they'll kill him. 
The Sergeant asks Sayid, "You in charge?"     
Sayid says he is not, and when asked who is in charge he lies and says  there  is no commanding officer here; he left for Hillah two hours ago.
The Sgt.-"Your English is good, Abdul, but you're lying. And that ain't so good.",and he hits him with his rifle. {Knocked out!}

At the military base Sayid is taken inside by Sgt Austen.
Sgt Austen says to Sayid, "Let's go, hombre Son, we don't want to be here anymore than you do.   Your pal, Saddam, had to go marching into Kwait.  Here we all are. Buccelli here says that you speak English. Ever do any translating? "
Sayid-"Formally, no." 
Sgt Austen-" Hell, the fact you know what "formally" means we're good.    Apache helicopter went down in this sector two days ago.  Our sources tell us the pilot was captured. It's very important that we get this pilot back. We know that he was taken to the local Republican Guard intelligence commander, a man named Tariq.  Do you know him?"
Sayid-"Yes, he was our commanding officer."
Sgt. Austen-"Do you know where he is?"
Sayid-"When the bombing started he fled to Hillah" 
They open the double doors and Sgt. Austen welcomes him to Hillah.   Tariq is already sitting inside.
{Flash Whoosh
At the beach, Sayid is cleansing himself in a small trough.  Ana Lucia comes running out of the jungle asking "Where's Jack?"
Sayid wants to know why? 
Ana  leads him into to the jungle where they sneak up on Danielle who is just walking around with her rifle, of course.
Ana-"There. See?"
Sayid-"Go back, I'll deal with this...Go back Ana Lucia and don't tell anyone what you saw."   {Sayid has a knife/dagger hanging from his belt}

 Ana Lucia leaves. {Why is Ana sworn to secrecy? What's the big deal? Hmmm?

Sayid approaches Danielle and she says she was looking for him.   She was going to wait until dark and find him at his tent.   {WTF? Look for him? 1st off she knows where he friggin lives!  She's going to wander about in the jungle, keep on wandering, wait for dark and sneak into their camp and wake him? Was she looking for him or going to wait?}

Sayid-"Where are we going?   You said you were looking for me.   What was your plan?   To hide in the woods hoping I would pass you by?"
They walk, she says "They need to keep moving".
Sayid-"Not until you tell me where we're moving to"
She wants him to trust her.  {HA!}
Sayid-"The last time we met you arrived to warn us the Others were coming which they weren't.   In fact, it was a diversion to kidnap Claire's baby.    So pardon me for not trusting you."
Danielle- "This place that I am taking you to...there's something that will help you, something important."     To earn his trust she offers him her rifle.   {Something that will help him what? How?}
{Flash Whoosh}
Cuffed  Sayid interrogating Turiq via questions asked from Sgt Austen.  They want to know where the pilot is.
 Sgt. Austen-"Look, we know for a fact he interrogated the pilot day before yesterday. Hell, probably in this room.    Tell him if we get our man back safe and sound, he goes free."
Sayid translates Austen's English into Iraqi.
Sayid-"They will let you go if you tell them where the pilot is."
Tariq-"You are a disgrace.   You're an Iraqi soldier!   Steal his gun and kill them all.    Right there on his belt.   You can get a few of them before you are killed."
Sgt Austen wants to know what Tariq is saying.
Sayid lies, "He says he does not know."
Sgt Austen-"I was born, but I wasn't born yesterday, son.   Now, if you don't help me out here, someone else will take over.   And that someone, he won't play nice at all."   {So, when were you born? How old are you? And who won't play nice???  Hmm?!!!!}
Sayid-"I am sorry. He does not know."
Sgt Austen starts to leave, "Okay, you had your chance. Guards, lock him back up.
{Flash Whoosh}
At the beach a tree frog is annoying Sawyer who is trying to sleep.
Sawyer asks Jin for help. "This is unbelievable. Hey! Hey, you hear that thing? You hear that frog... that frog?   You want to help me find it?"
Jin gives him a rude brush off.   Sawyer asks, "What? We ain't friends anymore?"

Sawyer, out looking for the frog in the jungle, runs into Hurley who is eating ranch dressing composite.
Sawyer-"What do you got there, Rerun?"
Startled Hurley tells him that the Dharma Initiative ranch dressing will keep in room temperature for up to 7 years.     {It'll keep in room temp for 7 years, but now it's outside!  Or is it? Yuck!   We hear lots of animal/bird sounds in the background.} 
Sawyer uncovers Hurley's secret stash that Hurley doesn't want him to tell anyone about.

Sawyer-"What, that you stole food from the group?  Now, why would I want to do that?" Sawyer asks Hurley if he's seen the tree frog and Hurley says "Yeah". 
Sawyer makes a deal with Hurley,"Tell you what... you help me find that thing, you can keep right on ranch dipping. We got a deal?" 

Sayid walks with Danielle and wonders,"How much further?"  But she doesn't reply. "Danielle?"
Danielle-"We're here."
Sayid-"And where exactly is here?"
Danielle bends down, picks up a bow and arrow set she hid under some leaves.  They hear a man yelling/begging for help, "Help me. Hey, somebody here."   There is a man hanging in a net trap from a tree.  

Danielle wants Sayid to listen to her and warns, "Don't believe a word he says. He's one of them"  
The man in the trap says he has no idea what she talking about and that she's crazy.

Sayid asks how long has he been up there.
The man-"Since last night.  Please, just cut me down. My name is Henry Gale.  I'm from Minnesota. Please."       Danielle says he's lying.
As Sayid cuts the trapped man down Danielle tells him he's making a serious mistake.  
Once freed Henry runs and Danielle shoots him in the shoulder with an arrow; rendering him unconscious.     Sayid is troubled by her shooting Henry without  provocation.
Danielle-"If I wanted to kill him, I would have killed him".

Tie him up, take him to your doctor, he's no good to you dead"   She also says "You talk to him Sayid, as I recall that is what you do. But know this, he will lie, a long time, he will lie."
Sayid ties him up and carries him back to camp. 
{Flash Whoosh}
Sayid in cuffs is brought into see Inman who is looking at a file.
Inman-"I want to talk to you about your buddy, Tariq.  Uh, look, I get it.  You're a man who values loyalty.  Even doing a little translating for us... you feel like you're doing the wrong thing.   I get that, and I respect it.   This is what Tariq was doing before he took over command of your intelligence unit.   He was the head of the chemical warfare battalion in the North.   {plays a video tape.}  He personally supervised the use of sarin gas on this village.  {Sayid watches sad and as if hypnotized.} You recognize it, don't you?  You had relatives in that village didn't you, Sayid?  So, you know what Sarin gas does.  No discrimination...the entire marketplace... innocent women, children."
{Nerve gas.}
Pained and compassionate Sayid has seen enough.
Inman-"Loyalty is a virtue. But unquestioning loyalty... I don't think that's you."
Sayid-"Why should I believe you?"
 Inman-"How do you think we knew you had relatives in that village?  We liberated your personnel file, and Tariq's.  All we want is our pilot back, so we can send him home to his family." {The file was under the remote control.}
Sayid will have to make Turiq talk. {Guess how?}
{Flash Whoosh}
In the hatch Sayid tells sleeping Locke to "wake up".    He shows Locke the prisoner. Locke wonders, "Minnesota, huh?"
Sayid-"That's the question, isn't it?"   {They have Henry by the weight bench}
Gale-"Where am I?"
Sayid-"Who are you?
Sayid questions him and we learn:
Henry Gale, four months ago we crashed my wife and I, trying to cross the pacific in a balloon. "She died. She got...she got sick three weeks ago.  We were staying in a cave off the beach. Ah, my shoulder. At least untie my arms."

Jack comes in wondering what's going on.  Sayid explains that Rousseau trapped him in the jungle; she believes he's an Other.
Henry-"An other what?"
Jack-"You shot him with an arrow?"
Sayid-"Do I have a bow?"
Jack will treat Henry.
Jack says to Henry,"Hey, hey, you with me? {to Sayid} What, you were just going to let him bleed to death?"
Sayid was trying to get honest answers while he was able to give them; and Henry's wound is far from life threatening.   Locke suggests they  should let Jack treat him first, then they'll get their answers.
Sayid-"Jack, do not untie him."

In the jungle Sawyer and Hurley are still on the hunt for the tree frog.  Hurley feels this is how people get killed in scary movies.
Sawyer-" If this was a scary movie I'd be with a hot chick not you, Barbar."
Hurley-"It's Babar."
Sawyer-"Why don't you shut up, Hammo. Or your ranch disorder's going to be the new lead item on the coconut Internet."
Hurley admits his fatness but at least people like the fat guy/him.   Hurt Hurley leaves Sawyer to find his own frog.
Sawyer- "Look, man. I'm sorry, alright? This frog is killing me.   You've got to help me out. Please." 
Hurley agrees to continue this very important hunt!

Jack removes the arrow from Henry as Sayid and John watch from a few feet away.
John asks Sayid what he thinks.   Sayid wants to know what he thinks.
Locke-"I think he's pretty convincing."   Sayid agrees, but they need to know if he's telling the truth.
Sayid- "Does Jack still have the combination to the armory?"
Locke- "For now he does." 
Sayid-"How long would it take for you to change it?"

John is concerned this is about Sayid being angry and punishing someone but Sayid doesn't need to punish anyone; he just wants the truth.    Locke will get started on changing the combination.   They both know Jack will have issues with what must be done to get the truth.

Sayid asks Jack {still working on unconscious Henry} if Henry said anything.
Jack- "No, he didn't.  He was in shock."
John-"We can't just leave him laying here, Jack.  If people see him it'll create a panic."
Sayid suggests they put him in the armory; it's secure.  {It's a good thing Locke and Sawyer moved all the guns out, making room for a prisoner!}
Locke feels it's better to err on the side of safety.   All three men carry Henry into the armory.  Jack says they need the cot to be brought in because Henry shouldn't be on his back. 
Jack and Locke exit the armory and Sayid closes himself in with Henry.    He is doing what needs to  be done
{Flash Whoosh}
Sayid enter the room with Tariq carrying the tool box he got from Inman.
Turiq-"They're letting you speak with me alone now?"

Sayid opens the box, "You need to tell me where the helicopter pilot is." 

Tariq-"This is their new bluff?   That you're going to torture me?   They think you will do this? Sayid, you are a loyal soldier.   The son of a great hero.   Do not disgrace your father!   You wouldn't dare harm me!    You will follow my orders as your commanding officer.   Take that bag.  Put it over your head and tape it up.   Kill yourself, now!   That's an order.   Do it and die with what little honor you have left." 
Sayid-"You would have me take my own life... the information means nothing to you!"
Tariq spits in Sayid's face.   Sayid picks up pliers.
Inman paces Sayid comes in and shares,"The pilot was executed  two days ago.   He's buried in a field  four kilometers from here.   I can take you there."
Worn out Sayid hands the box to Inman. {Bloody hand.} 
{Flash Whoosh} 
Jack tries the combination and can't open the door.   Jack bangs on the door demanding Sayid open it.
Jack -"Why isn't this combination working John? Did you change it?"
Locke- "Yeah"
Jack -"Why would you do that?"
Locke- "You were raising an army"
Jack- "What?'  {Jack looks confused, like he doesn't know what John's talking about}
Locke- "And why you didn't ask me to help, well that's your business.  There's only one reason to raise an army Jack.  It's because we're at war, and like it or not, whatever Sayid has to do behind that door, well that's a part of it too."
Jack- " What if he's telling the truth, John?'
Locke- "What if he's not?"

In the armory Sayid questions/interrogates Henry.  {ALL IMPORTANT STUFF!}
Sayid- "You said you came to this island four months ago, yes?"
Henry-"Where am I?"
Sayid-" Please, answer my question."
Henry-"Yeah, yes we landed four  months ago. Maybe more. Who are you?"
Sayid-"And you were in a cave for all that time?"
Henry-"Off the beach on the North shore of the Island."
Sayid-" How far from this beach to where you were captured?"
Henry-"I don't know."
Sayid-"How many days' walk?"
Henry-"Two.  Two days."
Sayid-" Why did you stay on the beach for so long?"   {On the beach?, off the beach in a cave?}
Henry-"Why wouldn't we?   We wanted to be there for fly-overs. We had an emergency beacon, a transmitter."
Sayid-"What kind of transmitter?"
Henry-"An ADF beacon. We wanted to make sure we'd be spotted.  Look, whatever you think I am, I'm not. Please, please just... tell me your name."
Sayid-"Your wife, what is her maiden name?"
Sayid-"Where did you meet her?"
Henry-"University of Minnesota."
Sayid-" How did she die?"
Henry-" She got sick."
Sayid-"She got sick?"
Henry-"It started as a fever.   After two days she was delirious.   Then she died.   I don't know why you're asking me all these questions.   I don't know why you're treating me this way ...why I have to explain to you who I am when you don't tell me who you are."
Sayid-"I was 23 years old when the Americans came to my country.  I was a good man.  I was a soldier.   And when they left, I was something different.   For the next six years I did things I wish I could erase from my memory...things which I never thought myself to be capable of.    But I did come to learn this... there was a part of me which was always capable.  {Listen to this/Sayid's voice here!It's different. Yes it could very well be just the voice is different due to dubbing, but it's very mysterious indeed.} You want to know who I am?   My name is Sayid Jarrah, and I am a torturer."
{Should Sayid already know who Henry is?}

In the jungle Hurley points out the tree frog; it jumps right at Sawyer and he catches it.
Sawyer-"All that noise from this tiny critter."
It reminds Hurley of a turtle he once had. Its name was Stuart.   It ran off when I was 10. Well, that's what his mom said.   He kind of thinks she threw him out.   Sawyer  looks interested in the frog, "You're a happy, little fella, ain't ya?"  
Hurley-"I have an idea. Why don't I take him...far from hereTwo beaches away? Then maybe he'll find a Mrs. Tree Frog.   That way he won't keep you up anymore, and everyone's happy." Sawyer has another idea; he crushes the frog, killing it.  "I hear with a little ranch they taste just like chicken"   He hands the dead tree frog over to Hurley.

Back at the hatch, Jack cleans up the blood on the floor.  
John offers to give him a hand but pissed off Jack tells him to shut up.    Jack notices the pliers are missing and asks where the pliers are.   
Inside the armory Sayid continues the questioning/interrogation.   He wants to know everything about the  balloon.
We learn she's 140 feet high, 60 feet wide.   And when she's up in the air 550,000 cubic feet of helium and a 100,000 of hot air keep her up.   And if you could look down on her you'd see a big yellow smiley face on top.     He traveled in that way because he was rich, it was his dream, and Jennifer thought it would be neat!
Sayid -"You were rich?"
Henry-"I guess I'm thinking of things in the past tense now.   How's that for optimism? He explains he became rich by selling his company; they mine Non metallic minerals.
"I know, everyone wanted to talk to me at cocktail parties."    Sayid threatens Henry with  the pliers around his finger and wants Henry to listen to him. "You said you buried your wife. Tell me where."
Henry cries-" In the jungle. By the balloon, in the jungle."
Sayid-"How deep? How deep did you dig the grave?"
Henry-"I don't... it was..."
Sayid-"How deep? How many shovelfuls of earth?!   Did you use your hands?!   How long did it take you?!"
Henry-"I don't remember."
Sayid-"You would remember!  You would remember how deep. You would remember every shovelful, every moment! {He cries}  You would remember what it felt like to place her body inside.   would remember if you buried the woman you loved.   You would remember ... if it were true!"
Henry-"Did you... did you lose someone?   Did you lose someone here on the Island?  Did you lose someone, too?  What happened to her?"
Sayid-"It was an accident.  It was an accident.   The woman responsible thought she was someone else...someone coming to hurt her... someone like you!"
Henry-"Just, just... This is all a mistake.   Slow down here, okay.    Hurting me isn't going to bring her back."
Sayid starts beating Henry over and over. "You know what I lost. Tell me how long." {Yes Henry does indeed}
Henry-" No, no. Help! Help me!"
Sayid-"Tell me who you are."

As Sayid is beating Henry he says " You know what I loved!" {Yes Henry does indeed} "Tell me what I already know.  I want to know the truth! Who are you?!"  {Is Sayid remembering anything here?!!!!}  Jack wants the door opened,
Locke- "Jack, this has to happen." {It HAS to happen! Is it written? HA!}
Jack pushes Locke demanding he open the door. The countdown timer starts to beep.  Jack won't let him push the button unless he opens the door!   The alarm is now under a minute! {The alarm starts at 4 minutes, now it's under a minute, ALREADY?}

Locke- "If we don't…You would risk everyone's lives?"
Jack- "You talked me into pushing that button once John, but it's yours now, you're the one who won't risk it. You, Me, I don't think anything's gonna happen when we get down to zero, you wanna see what's gonna happen, let's just see what's gonna happen!"
{Was it Jack's button at one time?  Does he know what happens? Hmmm?}

Locke says Ok, "Right 15",  but "Not stupid" Jack makes him open it.    Locke opens it, runs to the computer, enters the code incorrectly, {types 16 16} re-enters it and this time hieroglyphs are revealed; then noises {machine/fan winding up, bang and clanking.}  He pushes buttons and the timer resets. {RESET}

 Jack removes Sayid from the Armory and the beating of Henry!  Sayid insists he's lying. {Watch Henry's look to Sayid before Jack shuts the door! GREAT!}
Jack asks Sayid-"What the hell was that?"  
Sayid tells Jack "He is one of them."
Jack asks if he told him that.
Sayid-No, because I know.  He IS one of them"
Jack- "I think that's what Rousseau thought about you once Sayid. If I'm not mistaken she strapped you down, she shocked you, all because you were one of them."
Locke- "He is."
Jack- "What?"
Locke-"He is one of them. To Rousseau we're all Others. I guess it's all relative, huh?" {AAAHHHH!! I've been saying that all along!}
{Flash Whoosh}
Sayid is being transported. He just stares looking up. 
Sgt Austen is looking at a picture of a young Kate.  He asks Sayid if he has a wife and kids, he does not.  They pull over to the side of the road.
Inman tells Sayid "It's over. We're pulling out, not going to Baghdad.   So your man Saddam gets to stay in power which means you, in all likelihood, will remain in his employ. Guess you're lucky you have a new skill set you can use."
Sayid-"What you made me do no human being should ever have to do to another.
Inman uses a knife to cut the cuffs off of Sayid's wrists, freeing him.
Inman speaks Arabic to him.  "One of these days there will be something you need to know. And now you know how to get it."  {Inman lied and can speak and understand; he didn't need a translator!}
Sayid swears "I will never do that again."
Inman gives Sayid money, " Yeah. Good luck to you, Sayid.  Bus fare back to Ramadi. {tells the driver} Let's move out."     {Gave him American money in hundreds;Fuckin' bus fare! Puts it in his pocket}
{Flash Whoosh}
At the beach Sayid confesses to Charlie about the man down in the hatch; a stranger captured by Rousseau, "I beat him, I beat him badly".
Charlie,wearing his black hoodie, wants to know why he's telling him that?
Sayid- "Jack asked me how I knew, knew for sure that this man was lying?   How I knew for sure he was one of them... one of the Others.   I know because I feel no guilt for what I did to him.  But there is no way I could ever explain that Jack or even Locke, because both of them have forgotten."
Charlie -"Forgotten? What?"
Sayid-"That you were strung up by your neck and left for dead.   That Claire was taken and kept for days during which god only knows what happened to her.  That these people, these Others... are merciless... and can take anyone of us whenever they choose…. So tell me Charlie, have you forgotten?"   {YEP! And 'these people' do take them whenever they choose!}

We see Sayid, a loyal solider of "an army" and he is the son of a great hero.   Who is his great heroic father?   Was Sayid born into the military as Jack was born into being a doctor?  Sayid said after he tortured Sawyer that he didn't want to do that anymore yet here he goes again.  But he will always be a torturer and a soldier because that is his role.

Yes, they ALL have forgotten.   Not just the things that have happened to them while on this "island" trip but everything else too.
Are things erased from their memories?  Did they forget that they belong on the "Island" or are tied to the "Island"?   Are a few of them starting to remember?

Did Danielle bring Sayid to Henry to help him remember? What was her reason for that? Are certain things being put into motion?  Was the 'capture of Henry' planned?  Who could have planned it?   Danielle?   Ana Lucia?   Henry himself?   All of them?
I think Ana has been aware of what her duty is on the island.  I don't think she is unfamiliar with Henry or Danielle at all.  Why would tough girl Ana, who supposedly hates these Others go and get Sayid (Or Jack) instead of taking Danielle out herself?

Henry tells Sayid his story 2 times:
First he says he and his wife CRASHED on the island and then later he says they LANDED on the island!  Well, did he crash or did he land?   Did our Losties crash on the island or did they land? Hmm?!! Yeah!!!!
Is Henry telling a story that we're all somewhat familiar with?  Crash/Land, stay on the beach, go to the caves, 4 months…. Whose story is he telling?   Is it part truth/part lie?  Does he know this information because it's all been written out, it's in a file, lived already, real/not real?     When Henry says "Whatever you think I am, I'm not", he's telling the truth!

The time frame Henry uses (4 month) is close to the time frame I gave you  already for the Losties arrival on the "island" until their rescue.    I wonder if I'm on the right track with that.    Again, we need to keep in mind that it's what we see as 'real' time, not taking into consideration that time maybe different on the island or is irrelevant or anything else freaky like that.
Things to note…Questions to ask…
* Father.  Son.   Soldier. 
* Relative.
* Back. 
* Up. Down. Left Right.
* Green.
* The Wizard of Oz reference.   A story about a girl whose adventure happens when she in unconscious/sleeping.  {Movie version}
* Danielle shoots Henry with an arrow, There is an 'Arrow' station.
* Trap.
* Game. Value. Tie. Deal
* Machine.
* Time. Timer. Reset. Computer.
* Photo.  Video. Movie. Capture.
* Translate. Communication. Language. Linguistics. Listen. Learn.
* Net. Internet. Files. Execute. Button. Code.   Erase from  memory. Reset.
* Military. War. Commanding officer.
* Fever.  Temperature. Degrees. BTW, are they outside or not? What will happen to Hurley's unrefrigerated Ranch composite?! 
* Crazy.  Disorder.
* Remember.  Forget.
* Deep.  Down.
* American money. Rich.
* Sayid threatens to cut off Henry's finger.   Ana Lucia threatens to cut off Nathan's finger.
* NONE of the soldiers have names on their uniforms.
They have done all this before.  Rerun. Do over. Loop.
Here Sayid feels no guilt. Charlie said he felt no guilt {he'd do it again in a minute} for what happened with Ethan in Outlaws.
*When we hear the story Henry tells about how he became rich he says he sold a mining company that mined Non-metallic minerals.   The Black Rock, as told by Locke, looked to be a mining ship. 
* The video Inman shows Sayid: On the top of the screen it says EYES ONLY-TOP SECRET.  Property of DIA...REEL 23108-42.   {EYES!!!!! DIA, could that stand for Dharma Initiative Army? HA! What's REEL/REAL?!!!} 
* Events on "Island"  blur with "Flashes".   Is anything real?  
* In all the craziness of getting Sayid out of the armory Jack, Sayid and Henry didn't hear the machine start up noises.
Locke. Lock- change the combination.
Vocabulary and Research…
You know I highlight "clue" words for you so you can see the clue repeat itself.    There are many words that we get as a clue and are taken at the obvious meaning for the situation, but LOST is FULL of word games!
 * The ADF Beacon transmitter.
- Beacon- Light used as a signal to guide.
Alarm, alert, beam, bonfire, flare, guidepost, heliograph, lamp, lantern, lighthouse, lodestar, pharos, radar, rocket, sign, signal fire, smoke signal, warning signal, watchtower.
* Board game 'Risk'.   A strategic board game.   It uses 2-6 players, Has a map of the world, 42 territories grouped into 6 equal continents.   Take over the world. 

For fun, I anagrammed the title. You know me, I'm crazy like that.
ONE OF THEM….The omen of.
An omen is a prediction, a sign of something yet to happen. We see examples of that in this episode.   Example, Locke gets a glimpse of what happens when the computer goes past zero; so many other things too. 
In addition to that fun tid-bit I'll ask you if the title of this episode is only about Henry? No

Here we have mention of a high fever and a sickness.  Again I come back to the possibility  that these experiences are happening in the Lostie's heads/minds.   There is a connection with the brain and it's electromagnetic field. {Electric currents, neurotransmitters and such}   Add to that the potential use of machines, MRI, CAT scans, etc..  I'm just saying!!

There is a reason these "Island"  residents are called "castaways"... On some level they have been or feel like cast outs or literally have been cast away from society.  Maybe their patients or inmates somewhere. 

Think about it..."Who are you?" seems to be the question at hand.  These people are lost in so many ways and seem to ask "Who are you? Where are we? and many questions regarding their own identity.  

I'm very excited for upcoming discussions of Henry.    He is NOT who you think he his!   He's quite clever.   But Sayid also mentions being one way and then became something different.  Transforming and changing.  Look deeper fans!

So... One of them…All of them!

 Love to all who are "LOST"™

Posted on MySpace August 26, 2007

Disclaimer: I never claim to know everything about the show and my thoughts by no means make me right! The things I share here are my views and/or opinions. I don't claim to catch every single detail either! You all know I hate spoilers! And I stand clear of reading certain sites as to not take me off my own course of research. The one thing I don't need to do here is rehash all of the obvious clues from an episode, we all know what they are. Understood? Good! Let the fun begin! I'll only note things that I know come up as clues later, but need to be noted when they first show up and things I find that will be of importance! It will get very exciting as we progress into the story.

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